Hazardous Waste Disposal

Hazardous Waste Disposal

It is extremely important that hazardous waste is collected and disposed of appropriately.  Hazardous waste can potentially cause harm to the public, wildlife, and the environment.

Welcome to Hygiene Technology, the clinical Waste Management, your trusted partner in safe and responsible clinical waste collection. We recognise the dangerous nature of handling clinical waste, considering its fundamental risks and tough regulatory requirements. Clinical waste relates to numerous businesses such as Beauty Therapist, Health care organisations, Tattoo Parlours, Funeral Directors, and even Prisons. Clinical waste needs to be controlled in a specific method, as a result this type of waste cannot go direct to the landfill. Trust us to guarantee the utmost safety and compliance when it comes to clinical waste collection and disposal.

Hazardous Waste Disposal

What is Clinical Waste

Clinical waste implies to any waste generated from healthcare or medical activities that might pose a risk of infection or injury. It includes various items, such as soiled dressings, sharps (syringes, needles, and blades), pharmaceutical waste, laboratory specimens, and items contaminated with bodily fluids. Proper management of clinical waste is essential to protect public health and the environment.

As a hospital or clinic owner, you are responsible for ensuring that all hazardous waste produced in your facility is safely and securely disposed of. However, this duty is particularly important when dealing with potentially hazardous materials, such as sharps. By definition, ‘sharps’ refers to any materials that could puncture or cut the skin. This could, for example, include needles used in medical practices or tattoo parlours. 

  • Sharps Waste: Sharps waste comprises used needles, syringes, and other sharp medical instruments. Because of inherent risk of injury and transmission of bloodborne microorganism, sharps waste requires specific containment and disposal in puncture-resistant containers. Our team of experts follows strict protocols to ensure the safe collection and disposal of sharps waste.
  • Infectious Waste: This category of clinical waste includes materials that have the potential to hold infectious agents, such as infected dressings, swabs, and cultures. Proper segregation and disposal of infectious waste are critical to prevent the spread of infections and protect public health.
  • Bodily Waste: Bodily waste consists of human or animal body parts, organs, or tissues. As per regulatory guidelines, proper containment and disposal methods, such as incineration or deep burial, are employed to prevent biohazardous contamination and maintain public safety.


A sharps bin is essential to ensure any potentially hazardous and infectious waste that could puncture or cut skin is stored and disposed of properly.

In addition, clinical waste can also come from zoological institutes, veterinary practices and research centres. Other producers of clinical waste and sharps waste include acupuncturists, tattooists and piercings. Get in touch today for your supplies.

At Hygiene Technology, we offer tailored services to meet the specific needs of your business. You may well just require a one-off waste collection for an event, want us to help develop an efficient waste management plan for your business, or to benefit from a combination of waste services.

Hazardous materials

  • If you have any hazardous waste stored or dumped inappropriately and you are need for safe removal, Hygiene Technology is ready to help. With our expertise in hazardous/liquid waste removal, we can identify the waste, collect it and dispose of it properly
  • Medicinal Waste: Medical waste includes expired or unused medications, drugs, and vaccines. To prevent environmental pollution and potential misuse, proper segregation, secure storage, and safe disposal techniques are critical for medical waste management.
  • Chemical Waste: Clinical waste that contains hazardous chemicals, such as disinfectants, solvents, or laboratory reagents, falls under the category of chemical waste. At Hygiene Technology our experts follow strict procedures for the collection, containment, and disposal of chemical waste to prevent any adverse impact on human and the environment.
  • Aggressive Waste: Aggressive waste encompasses non-infectious clinical waste that may have horrible odour, such as discarded medical supplies or sanitary products. Although not inherently hazardous, proper containment and disposal methods are still essential to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)